Join us for our 2025 Mens Conference "Just Show Up."
Saturday, January 25th | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM | CR 1-6
We are called TO SHOW UP as husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, employees - wherever God has us. Register for a packed day full of worship, workshops, fellowship, and breakfast!
Speaker: Pastor Keith Shaw has faithfully served at Focus Church for 28 years and became Senior Pastor alongside his wife, Lisa, in 2012. Together, they have four children, two grandchildren, and a third on the way. Passionate about reaching Long Island with the love of Christ, Pastor Keith also serves as the Long Island Presbyter for the New York Ministry Network, caring for Assemblies of God ministers across the region.
Session 1
Workshop: Show up in Your Marriage | Pastor Ted
Workshop: Show up with your Brothers | Craig Rogers
Workshop: Show up with the Lord | Tony Medera
Session 2
Registration: $25.00 per person* [non-refundable but transferable]
Last day to register 1/20 | NO WALK-INS PLEASE
*Please contact if assistance is needed.